Elanora State School and Community Bank Tugun
In 2024/25, Community Bank Tugun (Bendigo Bank) have partnered with Elanora State School to support our Wellbeing program and to ensure we are able to maintain the valuable support and benefit from our Chaplain for a full 5 days per week. The support provided by our Chaplain and the Wellbeing team benefits our entire school community.
Community Bank Tugun (Bendigo Bank) supports a wide range of local community programs like ours. The more people and businesses who engage in their banking services means the more local community programs they can support.
Elanora State School and Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary
A Local Partnership
Education for sustainable development is a life wide and lifelong endeavour which challenges individuals, institutions and societies to view tomorrow as a day that belongs to all of us, or it will not belong to anyone.” (United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005–2014).
Actions for improving sustainability often involve collective endeavours, and Elanora State School prides itself on its working relationship with Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. We were the first school to sign up to their “Green Guardian” program. This partnership has resulted in Elanora students annually fundraising for the Sanctuary and its associated Wildlife Hospital. In 2018 Elanora SS and their families raised close to $1000. These funds will be used to sponsor the rehabilitation of local wildlife that is admitted to the Currumbin Wildlife Hospital.
The Education staff at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary have actively supported our annual Students’ Science Conference and Showcase for numerous years. The conferences focus on a sustainability theme and students present their learning to the school community in a Showcase Day. The 2018 theme is ‘Water for Life', with students taking part in workshops at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary focusing on the importance of water past, present and future.
Together, Elanora State School and Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary staff are proactive in the promotion of lifelong learning with our students. We actively strive to ignite our students’ passion for their environment and interest in sustainability issues that will impact upon future generations.