Digitally Connected
Digital communication with parents and caregivers at Elanora State School supports a productive partnership, between home and school, to support students' social, emotional and academic development.
Facebook - Everyone is welcome to follow us on Facebook for all the latest news and information.
Email - Parents and caregivers are welcome to communicate with teachers and admin staff at Elanora State School via email. This mode of communication often enables greater immediacy with messages and information.
QParents App - Allows parents and caregivers access to their child's student information online. You can complete your Online Services Consent and access report cards, advise student attendance or pay invoices - anytime on your phone or tablet.
Text Messages - In urgent situations, the school uses this mode of communication.
LED sign - The ability to display multiple messages and change these at the click of a button on the internet allows our school to keep our community well informed with events, activities and celebrations.
School Website - link
School Newsletter - The school newsletter is available on our school website and is also sent electronically to parents via email.